As a mom of young kids I am constantly on the hunt for activities to keep my kids entertained, not merely distracted. Doughsie Dough is just that, my girls will play creatively for hours and because of the quality we can pack it up and repeat over and over. Same product, but with their wild imaginations entirely an new experience.
My 12 year old girls love these! They are a genius invention with minimal mess. They even make for great airplane or long car ride entertainment. When done creating and playing, they are easily packed away and fit seamlessly into a backpack or travel bag. Obsessed is an understatement! They are hits at family parties.
Our kids received several boxes for Christmas this past year and they are already magic for our family, especially with a newly broken arm with limited activity. Our son has cancer (he's doing really great right now off treatment), so we have to get creative with our activities during cold and flu season. We are really loving these kits!
Show Your Love

This year, make your child's Valentine hand outs a little more meaningful and special. We are now offering our small, On the Dough kits that would perfectly pair with a sweet Valentine note...
Sensory Play Gift Guide

The best time of the year is almost here! We are so excited for the holiday season and the traditions that come with it. We are so thankful for all of the love and support we have felt this year! In celebration...
Making Space

It has been our experience that establishing a designated spot for children to create, craft, color, learn, and more, is an effective way for them to either start building their independence...